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JESUS CHRIST Portrait on Ancient Byzantine Coins for Sale by Expert on eBay

http://bit.ly/jesuschristcoins - For article on the coins presented on this video and links to where you can buy them.

Ancient coin expert and dealer shows his Jesus Christ portrait coin collection. These coins come from a time period of the Byzantine empire where they struck coins with a portrait of Jesus instead of the emperor on coins. These coins feature titles for Jesus as "Jesus Christ the King of Kings" and "Jesus Christ the Conqueror".

Virgin Mary depicted as the Virgin Orans is featured on two of these types of coins. The interesting thing is that she has the same position with her arms open and in the later type that is similar it shows a half length figure of her. The later type comes from the reign of the Byzantine emperor Alexius I, who reigned during the first crusade. The 1st crusade is definitely a very important time period of antique history and this type of coin could have gotten into the hands of the crusaders. The last few coins discussed also may be from this time and are exceedingly rare.

Some of these coins also feature different varieties of crosses. First cross featured is a cross on three steps. Second type of cross is the patriarchal cross. The third type of cross is the jeweled cross. The fourth type of cross is the Latin Cross. The fifth type of cross is the Latin Cross. The sixth type of cross is the cross on a crescent. The seventh type of cross is the cross pattee. The eight type of cross is the jeweled cross on a crescent. The ninth and last type is the patriarchal cross on a stand.


With this article it would be quite easy to navigate around and put together an amazing ancient coin collection featuring the portrait of Jesus Christ. There even links given to search the video maker's eBay store for similar coins to the ones presented here. These Anonymous Byzantine Follis coins also make great gifts with a professional Certificate of Authenticity and a lifetime guarantee of authenticity.

There are more links given in the article to coins of the lifetime of Jesus Christ. Coins including that of the bible. Biblical coins are fun and interesting to collect and would make amazing heirlooms for future generations to behold. See actual examples of the Famous Tribute Penny Render Unto Caesar coin types. Explore the mystery of ancient Silver Julius Caesar coins. Get some amazing gift ideas for your loved one. Makes an especially great gift for someone who already has everything.

Ilya Zlobin's online coin shop features ancient Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Biblical, Medieval ancient and even world coins and medals. Explore his amazing selection. You can even make offers in his online store.


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