for article about ancient coins of Alexander the Great.
This video explores over 500 years of history with coins featuring Alexander the Great, even into Roman times. Alexander III was the king of Macedonia 336-323 B.C. In 13 year time period he conquered the known world.
It was because of him that the Tetradrachm standard coin was issued for hundreds of years after his death. The interesting thing to note is that his portrait and name was used on coins hundreds of years later. This video also gives a lesson on the coinage standards of ancient times.
First the video starts with coins of Philip II, the father of Alexander, who won an olympic horse racing victory which he minted on his coins. Then we see a Greek tetradrachm silver coin from Roman times of 90 B.C.
Macedonia later became a province of Rome and coins featuring the portrait of Alexander the Great were issued. Also the interestng thing about this series is Alexander riding his famous horse Bucephalus. Bucephalus being the only horse in history who had a city named after him called Bucephalia.
You are invited to see the article about the coins of Alexander the Great here:
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