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Constantine the Great is a very important emperor. He is also referred to as Saint Constantine, or Constantine the Great. Historically significant, as under his reign you had the Council of Nicaea, which standardized Christianity. He was also the emperor who made Christianity the official religion of the Roman empire.
This video and article explores also the family of Constantine the Great. Constantine the Great was the son of Constantius I Chlorus and Helena. Helena is also known as Saint Helena and is important to the Christian religion. Theodora was the step mother of Constantine the Great.
There are many coins of Constantine illustrated here with over 12 major types illustrated here.
Constantine's eldest son and also one of his best generals was Crispus by Minervina. By Theodora, his second wife, he had the sons Constans, Constantius II, Constantine II Jr.
Constantine the Great was also the son-in-law of Maximian. There was a tetrarchy system established during the time of Constantius, which included Maximian and Constantius I Chlorus.
Constantine the Great was also the half uncle of Constantius Gallus, Delmatius also known as Dalmatius, Julian II, Licinius II.
Licinius I married Constantine's half-sister Constantia.
Maxentius was Constantine the Great's brother-in-law who later was an enemy later. It was defeating him at the battle of the Milvian bridge that he had the sign from God "By this sign you shall conquer".
Overall ancient coins of Constantine the Great are some of the most affordable, cheap or inexpensive coins to collect or buy. The best place to buy ancient coins is in my eBay online coin shop or store:
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