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Most Interesting Ancient Greek & Roman Commemorative Coins to Collect

Most Interesting Ancient Greek & Roman Commemorative Coins to Collect


Most Interesting Ancient Greek & Roman Commemorative Coins to Collect

http://bit.ly/ancientcommemorative Hold authentic ancient Greek and Roman coins that record some of the most significant events of the ancient Greek and Roman past. From the Olympic games, to victories over the infamous assassins of Julius Caesar, Brutus and Cassius by Augustus; to the founding of a new Roman colony of Viminacium where famous legions were stationed; to the famous founding of Constantinople by Constantine the Great and his commemorative coin dedicated to Rome with it's founders, Romulus and Remus, to show the significance of both cities. All coins are guaranteed authentic for a lifetime, and have a 30-day-no-questions-asked-money-back guarantee! They make great gifts and some find them to be great investments. You have come to the right place to start your ancient coin collection, as coin collecting has been a great hobby by people for thousands of years. With so many topics to explore about the ancient past, you will be amazed at what you will learn and see. Preserve history for the generations to come by owning it! PHILIP II, the father of Alexander the Great 359BC Ancient Greek Coin Commemorating his Olympic Games Horse Racing Victory Item: i29414
Philip II Olympic Games Victory Ancient Greek Coins
Authentic Ancient Coin of:
Greek King Philip II of Macedon 359-336 B.C.
Bronze 19mm (6.56 grams) Struck 359-336 B.C. in the Kingdom of Macedonia
Commemorating his Olympic Games Victory
Head of Apollo right, hair bound with tainia.
Nude athlete on horse prancing right, ΦIΛIΠΠΟΥ above.

* Numismatic Note: Authentic ancient Greek coin of King Philip II of Macedonia, father of Alexander the Great. Intriguing coin referring to his Olympic victory.
AUGUSTUS Victory Over Brutus and Cassius Philippi Ancient Roman Coins AUGUSTUS Victory Over Brutus and Cassius Philippi Ancient Roman CoinsAUGUSTUS Victory Over Brutus and Cassius Philippi Ancient Roman Coins
Authentic Ancient Coin of:
Augustus - Roman Emperor: 27 B.C. - 14 A.D.
Bronze 18mm (3.80 grams) from the city of Philippi in Northern Greece,
Macedonia circa 27 B.C. -10 B.C.
Reference: BMC 23; Sear 32
VIC AVG, Victory standing on globe left.
3 legionary standards, 'COHOR PRAEPHIL'

Commemorates the battle of Philippi, 42 B.C., in which Octavian and Antony defeated the Republican tyrannicides Brutus and Cassius, who subsequently committed suicide. Augustus later settled the veterans of a Praetorian Cohort at Philippi, and he conferred upon them the right to mint coins, of which this is an example. The images on this coin presumably refer to the Emperor's above described victory in 42 BC. The winged victory standing on a globe representing the cosmos. Such a coin is delivering, without words but in clear images that everyone would have understood, the message that Augustus now rules the world. All the old political institutions were reestablished and the "dignity" of the Senate was restored, but actual power was now in the hands of one man alone.
Ancient Roman Coins Commemorating the Founding of Viminacium, the Base Camp for Legions VII and IIII see also Dacia Item: i21760
Viminacium CoinsViminacium Coins
Authentic Ancient Roman Coin of:
Gordian III - Roman Emperor: 238-244 A.D. -
Bronze 22mm (6.83 grams) of Vimincium 238 A.D.
the 1st year of it's founding (=AN I) 23 in the province of Moesia Superior
IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right.
P M S COL VIM, City goddess standing, bull (symbol for legion VII) and lion (symbol for legion IIII) at sides, AN.I. in exergue.

Viminacium was a major city of the Roman province of Moesia, and the capital of Moesia Superior. Viminacium was the base camp of Legio VII Claudia, and hosted for some time the IIII Flavia Felix. It was destroyed in 440 by the Huns.
You are bidding on the exact item pictured, provided with a Certificate of Authenticity and Lifetime Guarantee of Authenticity. Legio septima Claudia Pia Fidelis (Seventh Claudian Legion) was a Roman legion. Its emblem, as well as of all Caesar's legions, was the bull, together with the lion. The 7th, along with the 6th, 8th & 9th were all founded by Pompey in Spain in 65 BC. They were ordered to Cisalpine Gaul around 58 BC by Julius Caesar, and marched with him throughout the entire Gallic Wars. Legio VII was one of the two legions used in Caesar's invasions of Britain, and played a crucial role in The Battle of Pharsalus in 48 BC, and it existed at least until the end of the 4th century, guarding middle Danube. Tiberius Claudius Maximus the Roman soldier who brought the head of Decebalus to emperor Trajan was serving in Legio VII Claudia.
Map of the Roman empire in AD 125, under emperor HadrianLegio VII Claudia, stationed on the river Danube at Viminacium (Kostolac, Serbia), in Moesia Superior province, from AD 58 until the 4th century
Viminacium was a major city of the Roman province of Moesia (today's Serbia), and the capital of Moesia Superior. Viminacium was the base camp of Legio VII Claudia, and hosted for some time the IIII Flavia Felix. It was destroyed in 440 by the Huns, but rebuilt by Justinian I. During Maurice’s Balkan campaigns, Viminacium saw destruction by the Avars in 584 and a crushing defeat of Avar forces on the northern Danube bank in 599, destroying Avar reputation for invincibility. Today Kostolac, a small Serbian town on the Danube river, is located where Viminacium used to be. Rome City Commemorative Ancient Roman Coins of Constantine I The Great 330AD with Romulus & Remus She-Wolf Rome City Commemorative Coins of Constantine I The Great 330AD with Romulus  Remus She-Wolf Buy Rome City Commemorative Ancient Roman Coins of Constantine I The Great 330AD with Romulus  Remus She-Wolf for Sale
Authentic Ancient Coin of:
Constantine I 'The Great'- Roman Emperor: 307-337 A.D. -
Bronze AE3 18mm (2.49 grams) Cyzicus mint: 330-335 A.D.
Reference: RIC 72 (VII, Cyzicus)
VRBSROMA - Roma helmeted, draped and cuirassed bust left.
No legend Exe: .SMKB - Wolf standing left, suckling Romulus and Remus; two stars above.
Romulus and Remus are Rome's twin founders in its traditional foundation myth. They are descendants of the Trojan prince and refugee Aeneas, and are fathered by the god Mars or the demi-god Hercules on a royal Vestal Virgin, Rhea Silvia, whose uncle exposes them to die in the wild. They are found by a she-wolf who suckles and cares for them. The twins are eventually restored to their regal birthright, acquire many followers and decide to found a new city. Romulus wishes to build the new city on the Palatine Hill; Remus prefers the Aventine Hill. They agree to determine the site through augury. Romulus appears to receive the more favourable signs but each claims the results in his favour. In the disputes that follow, Remus is killed. Ovid has Romulus invent the festival of Lemuria to appease Remus' resentful ghost. Romulus names the new city Rome, after himself, and goes on to create the Roman Legions and the Roman Senate. He adds citizens to his new city by abducting the women of the neighboring Sabine tribes, which results in the combination of Sabines and Romans as one Roman people. Rome rapidly expands to become a dominant force, due to divine favour and the inspired administrative, military and political leadership of Romulus. In later life Romulus becomes increasingly autocratic, disappears in mysterious circumstances and is deified as the god Quirinus, the divine persona of the Roman people.. back-formation from the name Rome; Remus' is a matter for ancient and modern speculation. The main sources for the legend approach it as history and offer an implausibly exact chronology: Roman historians dated the city's foundation variously from 758 to 728 BC. Plutarch says Romulus was fifty-three at his death; which reckoning gives the twins' birth year as c. 771 BC. Possible historical bases for the broad mythological narrative remain unclear and much disputed. Romulus and Remus are eminent among the feral children of ancient mythography.. Coins of Constantine I, the Great Commemorating the founding of the new Roman capital, Constantinople Buy Coins of Constantine I the Great Commemorating the founding of the new Roman capital Constantinople Coins of Constantine I the Great Commemorating the founding of the new Roman capital Constantinople for Sale
Authentic Ancient Coin of:
Constantine I 'The Great'- Roman Emperor: 307-337 A.D. -
Founding of New Roman Capital - CONSTANTINOPLE Commemorative -
Bronze AE3 19mm (2.43 grams) Struck at the mint of Siscia circa 334-335 A.D.
Reference: RIC 241 (VII, Siscia); LRBC 751
CONSTANTINOPOLIS - Constantinopolis helmeted, laureate bust left, holding scepter over shoulder.
Victory standing left, stepping on galley prow, cradling scepter and resting hand on shield, BSIS in exergue.

* Numismatic Note: Commemorates founding of Constantinople as new Roman capital by Constantine I the Great.
You are bidding on the exact item pictured, provided with a Certificate of Authenticity and Lifetime Guarantee of Authenticity. Constantinople was founded by the Roman emperor Constantine I on the site of an already existing city, Byzantium, settled in the early days of Greek colonial expansion, probably around 671-662 BC. The site lay astride the land route from Europe to Asia and the seaway from the Black Sea to the Mediterranean, and had in the Golden Horn an excellent and spacious harbour.
Coins of Constantine I the Great Commemorating the founding of the new Roman capital Constantinople
Emperor Constantine II presents a representation of the city of Constantinople as tribute to an enthroned Mary and Christ Child in this church mosaic. St Sophia, c. 1000

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