রবিবার, ৩১ জুলাই, ২০১৬

King Ruggero II 1130AD Medieval Italy Sicily Messina Mint Ancient Coin i44372


1929 Netherlands Kingdom Queen WILHELMINA 1 Gulden Authentic Silver Coin i57062


CELTIC Barbarous style of ANCIENT Roman Coin of CONSTANTINE I the GREAT i55913

End Date: Aug-22 14:16
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1929 Netherlands Kingdom Queen WILHELMINA 1 Gulden Authentic Silver Coin i57062

End Date: Aug-30 14:54
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GALERIUS 305AD Large Ancient Roman Coin NUDE GENIUS Wealth PROTECTION i41183


CONSTANTIUS II Constantine the Great sonAncient Roman Coin Galley Christ i24691


JESUS CHRIST Ancient Christian Byzantine Nicephorus III Follis1078AD Coin i54625


1858 Flying Eagle Cent United States of America Antique USA Penny Coin i52393


শনিবার, ৩০ জুলাই, ২০১৬

ANTONINUS PIUS Alexandria Egypt Tetradrachm Roman Coin Serapis Cerberus i56234


AUGUSTUS 16BC Ascinius Gallus CONSPIRATOR for Throne Ancient Roman Coin i44125


Medieval Hungary King Bela III Byzantine Follis Type 1172AD Ancient Coin i43607


ANDRONICUS II & MICHAEL IX Palaeologus 1295AD Ancient Byzantine Coin i20368


শুক্রবার, ২৯ জুলাই, ২০১৬

DIOCLETIAN 286AD Ancient Genuine Roman Coin JUPITER Victory Nike on globe i26818


Brutus - Julius Caesar Roman Assassin 44BC Ancient Greek GOLD Coin NGC MS i53506

End Date: Aug-28 10:04
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Brutus - Julius Caesar Roman Assassin 44BC Ancient Greek GOLD Coin NGC MS i53506


বৃহস্পতিবার, ২৮ জুলাই, ২০১৬

1821 SAINT HELENA under BRITISH East India Company HALF PENNY Coin Rare i55259


AURELIAN 270AD Silvered Rare Ancient Roman Coin Marital harmony i26836


Titus 80AD ELEPHANT Authentic Ancient Original Roman Silver Denarius Coin i43287

End Date: Aug-27 13:54
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LARISSA Thessaly THESSALIAN LEAGUE 196BC Athena Apollo Greek Coin i43494


DOMITIAN 94AD Decapolis Canata Seleucia TYCHE RARE Ancient Roman Coin i56227

End Date: Jul-28 11:26
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ALEXANDER the GREAT on BUCEPHALUS Horse Macedonia Koinon Greek Roman Coin i55457


বুধবার, ২৭ জুলাই, ২০১৬

MACRINUS and DIADUMENIAN 218AD Marcianopolis Juno Moneta Roman Coin Rare i55664


Carthage Zeugitana Second Punic War Hannibal 220BC Ancient Greek Coin i55875


Kyrene in Kyrenaica 308BC Ancient Silver Greek Coin SILPHIUM PLANT i45942




HADRIAN Bisexual Emperor BIG Rare Ancient Roman Coin Salus Health Cult i45720


মঙ্গলবার, ২৬ জুলাই, ২০১৬

Romanus I, Lecapenus 920AD Authentic Ancient Medieval Byzantine Coin i40182


MYLASA in CARIA 210BC Horse Trident Original Authentic Ancient Greek Coin i56257

End Date: Jul-28 20:47
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Constantine I The Great founds CONSTANTINOPLE 330AD Ancient Roman Coin i56396


GORDIAN III & TRANQUILLINA Mesembria Thrace Asclepius Temple Roman Coin i39804

End Date: Aug-21 04:11
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HADRIAN Bisexual Emperor BIG Ancient Roman Coin Salus Health Cult i41023

End Date: Aug-17 07:11
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GORDIAN III & TRANQUILLINA Mesembria Thrace Asclepius Temple Roman Coin i39804

End Date: Aug-21 04:11
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Akragas in Sicily 425BC Ancient Greek Coin Eagle holding hare Crab i41412


Roman Republic 89BC M. Cato Young Man Victory Quinarius Silver Roman Coin i55302


সোমবার, ২৫ জুলাই, ২০১৬

AKRAGAS in SICILY 450BC RARE R1 Eagle Crab Ancient Tooth Shape Greek Coin i56152


Syracuse in Sicily 310BC AGATHOKLES Apollo Pegasus Ancient Greek Coin i54025

End Date: Aug-06 20:38
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TITUS 75AD Felicity Fortune Abundance Dupondius Ancient Roman Coin Rome i44135


LYSIMACHOS Macedonian King 305BC Greek Coin Athena Trophy Tropaion i36666

End Date: Aug-04 00:04
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Julian II Apostate 361AD Huge Ancient Roman Coin Symbol of Taurus BULL i28615


LYSIMACHOS Macedonian King 305BC Greek Coin Athena Trophy Tropaion i36666

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VESPASIAN 69AD Rare Ancient Silver Roman Coin Symbol of commerce i24499


রবিবার, ২৪ জুলাই, ২০১৬

MICHAEL VII Ducas 1071AD JESUS CHRIST Follis LARGE Ancient Byzantine Coin i55764

End Date: Jul-26 09:16
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MICHAEL VII Ducas 1071AD JESUS CHRIST Follis LARGE Ancient Byzantine Coin i55764

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JESUS CHRIST Ancient 1068AD Christian Byzantine Romanus IV Follis Coin i55827


TRAJAN 98AD She-Wolf "Mother" to Romulus Remus Rome Ancient Roman i31708


PROBUS on horse 278AD Authentic Ancient Roman Coin i54809


Thessaly Central Greece ANCIENT GREEK COIN Collecting Guide

Guide to Ancient Greek Coins of Thessaly Central Greece

List of the cities in Thessaly which issued coins in ancient times and a collection of coins from the area


The goal of this guide is to share the information about the types of ancient Greek coins that were struck by the Greek towns of the area in central Greece known as Thessaly. With the list you can see below, you can use to search my store by clicking on the term, or  printed out as a check-list to help you put together a coin collection from the area. With the video and the list of coins along with pictures and descriptions of them, you too, can become an expert in these types of coins.  Some of the cities just issued bronze coins, others issued gold silver and bronze types.

The most comprehensive book on the subject is Handbook of Ancient Greek Coins Volume 4 by Oliver D. Hoover. The other book to get is the Volume I and Volume II of Ancient Greek Coins and Their Values by David R. Sear. You can also see pictures and descriptions of coins from Thessaly for research purposes at this research site, by scrolling to the section on Thessaly with much information about the coin types.

The most prominent town of ancient Thessaly was Larissa, which minted some of the most prolific coin types of that area. Many of the city's coins featured a nymph and a horse. Many of the coins of ancient Thessaly featured horses. Thessaly issued coins into the Roman times, and the types are known as Greek Imperial/ Roman Provincial. Coins discussed in this video include those of Augustus, Claudius and Gallienus.

List of The Cities of Ancient Thessaly

Herakleia Trachinia
Larissa Kremaste
Pherai, Teisiphon Tyrant of
Pherai, Alexander Tyrant of
The Ainians
The Magnetans
The Malians
The Oitaians
The Perrhaibans
The Thessalian League
Thebai Phthiotides

Examples of Authentic Ancient Greek Coins of Thessaly

See the coins illustrated in the video here. It is great to see what these coins look like and get to appreciate the art and history of them.

LARISSA in THESSALY 356BC Silver Drachm Nymph Horse Ancient Greek Coin i47970

Greek city of Larissa in Thessaly
Silver Drachm 20mm (5.75 grams) Struck circa 356-320 B.C.
Reference: HGC 4, 453; BCD Thessaly II, lot 280
Pedigree: Ex BCD Collection with his original hand-written tag and photos of this coin
Head of nymph Larissa facing three-quarters left, wearing ampyx.
ΛAPI/ΣΑIΩN, Horse grazing right.This city was named after a local water nymph named Larissa. The story goes that the nymph drowned while playing ball on the banks of the Peneios River. In Greek mythology, the Greek hero Perseus accidentally killed his grandfather, King Akrisios of Argos when participating in the funeral games held in the city for nymph Larissa. The people of that city made their wealth from the rich agricultural area around the city and from breeding horses.

LARISSA in THESSALY 420BC Silver Drachm HERO vs BULL Ancient Greek Coin i47972

Greek city of Larissa in Thessaly
Silver Drachm 20mm (5.72 grams) Struck circa 420-400 B.C.
Reference: HGC 4, 420; BCD Thessaly II, lot 173-175 and 370.1; ANG Ashmolean 3860
Pedigree: Ex BCD Collection with his original hand-written tag and photos of this coin
Hero (Thessalos or Jason) wrestling a bull.
ΛAPI/ΣΑIΩN, Horse grazing right.This type references taurokathapsia (bull-wrestling) with the depiction of a hero wrestling the bull, which was a sport played at the Taureia games honoring Poseiodn Taureios. Jason was the father of Thessalos in a mythological tradition whom in turn was the ancestor of the entire Thessalian people.

Larissa in Thessaly 460BCObol Horse Lion Hydira Ancient Silver Greek Coin i46757

Greek city of Larissa  in Thessaly
Silver Obol 12mm (0.72  grams) Struck circa 460-400 B.C.
Reference: BCD Thessaly II 358.1
Horse prancing right; above, head of lion right.
Larissa standing right, balancing hydria on raised knee; to left, lion's head fountain right, from which water pours forth; Λ Α RI around from upper left; all within incuse square.

LARISSA in THESSALY 462BC Obol Bull Horse Ancient Silver Greek Coins i46360

Greek city of Larissa  in Thessaly
Silver Obol 11mm (0.94  grams) Struck circa 462-460 B.C.
Reference: BCD Thessaly II 147; Liampi, Corpus 15i (V7/R9)
Head and neck of bull left, turning to face viewer.
ΛΑ (retrograde) downward to right, head and neck of bridled horse right; all within incuse square.

Larissa in Thessaly 350BC RARE Authentic Ancient Greek Coin Nymph Horse i42111

Greek city of Larissa  in Thessaly
Bronze 18mm (7.42 grams) Struck 350-325 B.C.
Reference: Sear 2132 var., B.M.C. 7. 86.
Head of nymph Larissa three-quarter face to left, wearing necklace; hair confined by fillet
and floating loosely, with ampyx in front.
ΛΑΡΙΣΑIΩN. - Thessalian horseman right, holding spear, horse prancing; beneath, Σ.

LARISSA Thessaly THESSALIAN LEAGUE 196BC Athena Apollo Greek Coin i43487

Greek city of Larissa in Thessaly
under Thesssalian League
Bronze 19mm (6.61 grams) Struck 196-27 B.C.
Hippolochos, magistrate.
Reference: Rogers 21; SNG Copenhagen 315
Laureate head of Apollo right.
ΘEΣΣA/ΛΩN, Athena Itonia striding right, hurling spear held in her right hand, shield on her left arm; above spear; IΠΠ-OΛO; A to left; to right, P above I.

PHARSALOS in THESSALY 400BC Athena Horse Authentic Ancient Greek Coin i49251

Greek city of  Pharsalos in Thessaly
Bronze 15mm (3.40 grams) Struck circa 400-344 B.C.
Reference: HGC 4, 654; Sear 2196; Rogers 485-487; BCD Thessaly II, 653, 666.2
Head of Athena left in close-fitting crested Attic helmet ornamented with figure of Skylla.
ΦΑΡΣ, Helmeted cavalryman charging right on horseback, brandishing flail upon which bird perches.One of the more important towns of Thessaly, Pharsalos was built on the northern slopes of Mt. Narthakios. It was the scene of Caesar's famous victory over Pompey in 48 B.C.

PHARSALOS in THESSALY 400BC Athena Horseman Footman Ancient Greek Coin i49255

Greek city of  Pharsalos in Thessaly
Bronze 21mm (9.17 grams) Struck circa 400-344 B.C.
Reference: HGC 4, 646; Sear 2193 var.; Rogers 503-504; BCD Thessaly II, 671.3-4
Head of Athena three-quarter face to left, wearing triple-crested Corinthian helmet.
ΦΑΡΣ, Helmeted cavalryman charging right on horseback, brandishing flail; bird perches on helmet; footman advancing right, behind, carrying flail over shoulder.

PHARSALOS in THESSALY 400BC Athena Horse Authentic Ancient Greek Coin i49216

Greek city of  Pharsalos in Thessaly
Bronze 12mm (1.58 grams) Struck circa 400-344 B.C.
Reference: HGC 4, 655; Sear 2197; Weber 2912; BCD Thessaly I, lot 1286;
BCD Thessaly II, lots 649 and 654
Head of Athena in Attic helmet right adorned with Skylla.
ΦΑΡΣ, Head of horse right.

SKOTUSSA Thessaly400BC Hercules Horse Rare Ancient Silver Greek Coin i22382

Greek city of Skotussa in Thessaly
Silver Trihemiobol 12mm (1.00 grams) Struck 400-367 B.C.
Reference: Sear 2219 var.
Bearded head of Hercules right, wearing lion's skin.
Forepart of horse right, left leg raised; Σ-KO in lower field.

Details about SKOTUSSA in THESSALY 300BC Ares Horse Authentic Ancient Greek Coin i49475

Greek city of  Skotussa in Thessaly
Bronze 20mm (5.32 grams) Struck 300-200 B.C.
Reference: HGC 4, 615; Sear 2223
Head of Ares right, in close-fitting helmet ornamented with plume.
ΣKOTOYΣ / ΣAIΩN  above and below horse prancing right.

Details about KRANNON in THESSALY 400BC Horseman Hydria Authentic Ancient Greek Coin i49156

Greek city of Krannon in Thessaly
Bronze 15mm (4.87 grams) Struck circa 400-344 B.C.
Reference: Sear 2073 var.; HGC 4, 385
Horseman galloping right.
Hydria, mounted on wheels.The city was near the source of the river Onchestos. People of Krannon held Poseidon in high regard. The city derived it's name from the various springs in the area (called kranna in Aiolic Greek). The city had an abundance of sheep and horses grazing in the plains which brought it great wealth. In times of drought, they had a hydria on wheels which they paraded through the city accompanied by prayers to Apollo, which it was famous for. There was also a temple of Athena and Asclepius in the city.

Details about Perrhaiboi in Thessaly 450BC Athena Horse Ancient Greek Silver Coin i46721

Greek city of Perrhaiboi in Thessaly
Silver Obol 13mm (0.78 grams) Struck circa 450-400 B.C.
Reference: BCD Thessaly II 551.1
Horse prancing right.
Π–E–P–A, Athena Itonia, holding spear, aegis over arm, advancing right within incuse square. 

Details about Larissa Kremaste in Thessaly 300BC ACHILLES Troy Hero Ancient Greek Coin i49349

Greek city of Larissa Kremaste in Thessaly
Bronze Trichalkon 19mm (5.34 grams) Struck circa 300-200 B.C.
Reference: HGC 4, 13; BCD Thessaly II, 403
Head of Achilles left.
ΛΑΡΙ, Thetis riding hippocamp left, charring shield.Situated in the south of Thessaly, Larissa Kremaste was built on a height, hence its name. It was taken by Demetrios Poliorketes in 302 B.C., during his invasion of Thessaly. The myth goes that Achilles, the tragic hero of the Trojan war was born in the city and ruled a port of it's dominions. Larissa Kremaste was also the city that Perseus visited on his exile from Argos. Thetis was the mother of Achilles, who is shown on coins from the city to be delivering weapons to him that were forged by the smith god, Hephaistos. 

Details about MOPSION Thessaly 350BC MOPSUS v CENTAUR RARE Authentic Ancient Greek Coin i46547

Greek city of Mopsion in Thessaly
Bronze Trichalkon 22mm (8.53 grams) Struck circa 2nd half of the 4th century B.C.
Reference: Sear 2154
Head of Zeus three-quarter face to right; thunderbolt in field to right.
ΜΟΨEIΩΝ, The Lapith Mopsons, naked, standing facing, wielding club about to strike Centaur rearing left, holding boulder over head with both hands.

Details about Greek city of Perrhaiboi in Thessaly Authentic Ancient Coin 2ndCenBC Zeus i42044

Greek city of Perrhaiboi in Thessaly
Bronze Trichalkon 22mm (6.35 grams) Struck Late 2nd to early 1st century B.C.
Reference: Rogers 440; SNG Copenhagen 197; BCD Thessaly II 561; SNG Alpha bank 194ff
Laureate and bearded head of Zeus right.
ΠEPPAIBΩN, Hera, diademed and draped, seated right on backless throne, holding long scepter with her right and resting her left on her knee.

Details about GYRTON in THESSALY 400BC Zeus Cult Horse Authentic Ancient Greek Coin i37414

Greek city of Gyrton in Thessaly
Bronze 20mm (6.86 grams) Struck 400-344 B.C.
Reference: Sear 2089; B.M.C. 7.5
Laureate head of Zeus left.
ΓΥΡΤΩΝΙΟΝ, Horse trotting left; ΠM monogram below.

Details about PHALANNA in THESSALY 350BC Ares Nymph Authentic Ancient Greek Coin i49209

Greek city of  Phalanna in Thessaly
Bronze 17mm (4.06 grams) Struck circa 350-325 B.C.
Reference: HGC 4, 175; Sear 2180; BCD Thessaly I, lot 1255; BCD Thessaly II, lots 578-580 and 591 3-8
Head of Ares right.
ΦΑΛΑΝΝΑΙΩΝ, Head of nymph Phalanna right, hair in sakkos.

Details about PHAKION in THESSALY 350BC Persephone Horseman RARE Ancient Greek Coin i49477

Greek city of Phakion in Thessaly
Bronze 19mm (5.73 grams) Struck circa 300-200 B.C.
Reference: HGC 4, 542 (R1); Sear 2176; Papevangelou 1996, nos. 1-42; BCD Thessaly I, lot 1249; BCD Thessaly II, lot 566; B.M.C. 7.1,2
Head of Persephone right, wreathed with grain.
ΦΑΚΙΑΣΤΩΝ, Horseman trotting right, right hand raised.

HALOS in THESSALY 302BC Zeus Phrixus on GOLDEN Ram RARE Greek Coin i49230

Greek city of  Halos in Thessaly
Bronze 14mm (1.40 grams) Struck circa 302-265 B.C.
Reference: HGC 4, 8 (R1); BCD Thessaly II, lot 86.2
Laureate head of Zeus right.
AΛΕΩN, Phrixos riding ram right.Where Halos was originally located is unknown, however it is known that to have been located in the northern Achaia Phthiotis and overlooked Crocus Field. The myth of the city starts at the Halean temple of Zeus Lpahystios where the twins Helle and Phrixos were to be sacrificed, when a golden-fleeced flying ram was sent to rescue them by their mother, the nymph Nephele. King Athamas of Boiotia, was the father of Helle and Phrixos and was believed to have been the founder of the city. At the end of the Third Sacred War, in 346 B.C. the city was destroyed by the Macedonian general Parmenion. In 302 B.C. the city was re-founded, but this time closer to the sea coast by either Kassander or his rival Demetrios Poliorketes, rivals for the Macedonian throne. By around 265 B.C. the city was abandoned ostensibly due to a bad earthquake.

Greek city of Pelinna in Thessaly
Bronze 15mm (2.86 grams) Struck circa 400-344 B.C.
Reference: HGC 4, 284; Sear 2166 var. (horseman right)
Helmeted cavalryman charging left on horseback, spearing fallen hoplite.
ΠEΛΛINAEI, Thessalian peltast advancing lef, brandishing javelin and holding shield and javelin.

Greek city of Demetrias in Thessaly
Federal Coinage of The Magnetes
Bronze 20mm (6.20 grams) Struck 196-146 B.C.
Reference: Sear 2138; B.M.C. 7.11
Laureate head of Zeus left.
ΜΑΓΝΗΤΩΝ, Centaur standing right, right hand held before him, holding branch in left; plough to left, HΔ monogram below.

Details about LAMIA in THESSALY 325BC Athena Philoktetes Trojan War Archer Greek Coin i49224

Greek city of  Lamia in Thessaly
Issuing in the name of the Malians (also known as the Malienses)
Bronze Chalkous 15mm (1.50 grams) Struck circa 325-300 B.C.
Reference: Sear 2142; Georgiou, Mint 16; Rogers (Malia) 384; BCD Thessaly II 125; HGC 4, 106
Helmeted head of Athena right.
MAΛIEΩ, Philoktetes right, shooting arrow at bird falling to right; quiver to lower right.

Details about PEUMA in THESSALY 302BC Achilles Trojan War Troy Hero Ancient Greek Coin i49485

Greek city of  Peuma in Thessaly
Bronze Chalkous 12mm (1.88 grams) Struck circa 302-286 B.C.
Reference: Rogers 442; BCD Thessaly II 565
Wreathed head of Achilles right.
ΠEYMATIΩN around AX monogram; Phrygian helmet to right.

Details about Pherai in Thessaly TYRANT Teisiphon 358BC Bull Horse Ancient Greek Coin i49345

Greek city of Pherai in Thessaly
Teisiphon - Tyrant of Pherai: 358-354 B.C.
Bronze Chalkous 15mm (2.22 grams)
Reference: HGC 4; 585; Sear 2214; Rogers 530; BCD Thesssaly I, lot 1316; BCD Thessaly II, lots 709-710
Forepart of bull right, head facing.
ΤΕΙΣΙΦΟΝΟΥ, forepart of horse prancing right.Teisiphon was the brother of Thebe who was the wife of the previous tyrant, Alexander. Thebe opened the door to Alexander's bedchamber. Teisiphons two brothers held Alexander down while Teisiphon finished him off with his sword. Through bribery, Teisiphon was able to get the support of Alexander's mercenaries, which they used to destroy the political opposition to his reign. Then he became the tyrant of the city, although he may have been a puppet of his sister Thebe. Teisiphon was succeeded by two further tyrants, whom were eventually overthrown by Philip II, king of Macedon.Situated west of Mt. Pelion, Pherai was the second city of Thessaly, after Larissa. In the 4th Century B.C. its tyrants extended their power over most of the region. 

Details about AUGUSTUS 27BC Thessaly Koinon ATHENA Authentic Ancient Roman Coin RARE i47217

Augustus - Roman Emperor: 27 B.C. - 14 A.D.
Bronze Diassarion 22mm (10.46 grams) of Thessaly, Koinon of Thessaly
Megalokles, strategos, and Arist–, tamias(?)
Reference: Burrer Em. 2, Series 2, 69 (A17/R58); BCD Thessaly I 1398; RPC I 1428
ΣEBAΣ-TOΣ ΘEΣΣAΛΩN, laureate head right
ΣTPATHΓOY M-EΓAΛOKΛEOYΣ APIΣT, Athena Itonia striding right, hurling spear held in right hand, shield on her left arm; monogram to right. 

Details about CLAUDIUS 41AD Koinon of Thessaly Thessalian League Athena Roman Coin i42048 Rare

Claudius - Roman Emperor: 41-54 A.D. -
Bronze Diassarion 24mm (7.57 grams) of THESSALY, Koinon of Thessaly
Antigonos, strategos
Reference: RPC 1435-1436; Burrer Em. 1, Series 3, Grp. 1a, 43 corr. (A15/R34; rev. legend)
ΘΕΣΣΑΛΩΝ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΗΩΝ, Bare head of Augustus right.
ΑΝΤΙΓΟΝΟΥ ΣΤΡΑΤΗΓΟΥ, Athena Itonia striding right, hurling spear held in her right hand, shield on her left arm; monogram in left field. 

Details about GALLIENUS 253AD Koinon of Thessaly Athena Authentic Ancient Roman Coin i49342

Gallienus - Roman Emperor: 253-268 A.D. -
Bronze Tetrassarion 25mm (10.33 grams) of Koinon of Thessaly in Thessaly
Reference: Sear GIC 4530 var.; Burrer, MA–G 53; BCD Thessaly II 991.2-991.3
AVT. ΓΑΛΛΗNΟC ΑVΓ, Radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right.
KOINON ΘЄΣΣΑΛΩΝ, Athena Itonia striding right, hurling spear with right hand, shield on left arm; Δ (mark of value) to left.

Guide to Ancient Greek Coins of Thessaly Central Greece and Collection for Sale by Expert on eBay

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শনিবার, ২৩ জুলাই, ২০১৬

JESUS CHRIST Ancient 1068AD Christian Byzantine Romanus IV Follis Coin i55806


ANTONINUS PIUS 141AD Billon Silver Tetradrachm Artemis Silver Roman Coin i44067


TRAJAN 98AD RARE She Wolf "Mother" to Romulus & Remus Ancient Roman Coin i34022

End Date: Aug-03 03:57
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TRAJAN 98AD RARE She Wolf "Mother" to Romulus & Remus Ancient Roman Coin i34022

End Date: Aug-03 03:57
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Gordian III Silver Ancient Roman Coin Virtus Cult Double Strike Very rare i30036


PARION in MYSIA 400BC Gorgoneion Medusa Like Head Bull Silver Greek Coin i54072


শুক্রবার, ২২ জুলাই, ২০১৬

UK GREAT Britain SIXPENCE 10 Silver Coins GROUP LOT circa 1920s 30s 40s i56956


70s-80s ISRAEL Group Uncirculated Mint Coins and/or Tokens Collection Lot i57034

End Date: Aug-21 14:46
Buy It Now for only: US $39.00
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UK Great Britain United Kingdom Silver Shilling 5 COINS GROUP Lot 20s 30s i56963


1967 CANADA Confederation Centennial Silver 25 Cents Coin LYNX Wild Cat i56965

End Date: Aug-21 11:29
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UK GREAT Britain SIXPENCE 10 Silver Coins GROUP LOT circa 1920s 30s 40s i56955

End Date: Aug-21 10:58
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Germanicus Julius Caesar 37AD Struck under Claudius Ancient Roman Coin i53530

End Date: Aug-19 13:35
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