শুক্রবার, ৩১ জুলাই, ২০১৫

700-100BC CELTIC Group LOT of 3 Ancient Pre Coin Trading Token...

700-100BC CELTIC Group LOT of 3 Ancient Pre Coin Trading Token Collection i51471: http://www.ebay.com/itm/700-100BC-CELTIC-Group-LOT-of-3-Ancient-Pre-Coin-Trading-Token-Collection-i51471-/231638919861?hash=item35eec16ab5

500-100BC CELTIC Group LOT of 3 Ancient Pre Coin Trading Token...

500-100BC CELTIC Group LOT of 3 Ancient Pre Coin Trading Token Collection i51512: http://www.ebay.com/itm/500-100BC-CELTIC-Group-LOT-of-3-Ancient-Pre-Coin-Trading-Token-Collection-i51512-/231638843007?hash=item35eec03e7f

JULIUS CAESAR Authentic Ancient Roman Coins & His Story [ Video & Article ]

JULIUS CAESAR Authentic Ancient Roman Coins & His Story [ Video & Article ]

JULIUS CAESAR Authentic Ancient Roman Coins & His Story [ Video & Article ]

The Story of Julius Caesar and His Influence on History

I have ancient coins of Julius Caesar that you may enjoy to have in your collection. Below are some examples you can enjoy to click on and search for in my store.

You can click here to visit my ancient coin shop on eBay.

Julius Caesar Lifetime Portrait Coin

Julius Caesar - Roman Dictator -
Silver Denarius 19mm (3.89 grams) Struck February-March 44 B.C.
P. Sepullius Macer, moneyer
Reference: RSC 40; B. 48; B.M.C. 4175; Syd. 1074a; Craw. 480/14
CAESAR DICT PERPETVO, his laureate and veiled head right.
P . SEPVLLIVS MACER, Venus Victrix standing left, holding Victory and scepter, star set on ground to right.

Likely the best known portrait coin of Julius Caesar. This coin illustrates Caesar's break from tradition in forbidding the showing of living individuals on ancient coins. This issue combined with other resentments led to his assassination on March 15th of 44 B.C.

Julius Caesar Elephant Coin

Julius Caesar - Roman Dictator -
Silver Denarius 21mm (3.55 grams) Struck 49-48 B.C. -
Reference: B.9;B.M.C., Gaul, 27; Syd. 1006; Craw. 443/1 -
Elephant walking right, trampling on serpent, CAESAR in exergue.
Sacrificial implement:: Simpulum, sprinkler, axe and priest's hat.

The obverse type may symbolize victory over evil, whereas the reverse refers to Caesar's office of Pontifex Maximus.

Julius Caesar Ceres Coin

Julius Caesar - Roman Dictator -
Silver Denarius 18mm (3.68 grams) Struck 46 B.C.
Reference: Roman Silver Coins Vol. #4; B. 16; B.M.C., Africa, 23; Syd. 1024; Craw. 467/1b
COS. TERT. DICT ITER, head of Ceres right.
AVGVR above simpulum, sprinkler, capis and lituus, PONT MAX below, M (Manus) in field.

This coinage was probably struck to pay his successful legions after the battle of Thapsus, 6 April B.C. 46. The head of Ceres is emblematic of Africa and it's corn-producing wealth. The reverse the reverse refers to Caesar's office of Pontifex Maximus.

JULIUS CAESAR & AUGUSTUS Dupondius Sestertius 38BC Ancient Roman Coin

Augustus and Julius Caesar
Bronze Dupondius or Sestertius 29mm (20.53 grams) Southern Italian mint, 38 B.C.
Reference: Crawford 535/1; CRI 308; Sydenham 1335; RPC I 620
Bare head of Octavian right; DIVI F behind, CAESAR before.
Wreathed head of Divus Julius Caesar right; DIVOS before, IVLIVS behind.

Very desirable ancient coin with a portrait of Julius Caesar.

AUGUSTUS victory over BRUTUS CASSIUS assassins of Julius Caesar Roman Coin

Augustus - Roman Emperor: 27 B.C. - 14 A.D.
Bronze 19mm (4.58 grams) from the city of Philippi in Northern Greece,
Macedonia circa 27 B.C. -10 B.C.
Reference: BMC 23; Sear 32
VIC AVG, Victory standing left.
3 legionary Standards, 'COHOR PRAEPHIL'

Commemorates the battle of Philippi, 42 B.C., in which Octavian and Antony defeated the Republican tyrannicides Brutus and Cassius, who subsequently committed suicide. Augustus later settled the veterans of a Praetorian Cohort at Philippi, and he conferred upon them the right to mint coins, of which this is an example. The images on this coin presumably refer to the Emperor's above described victory in 42 BC. The winged victory standing on a globe representing the cosmos. Such a coin is delivering, without words but in clear images that everyone would have understood, the message that Augustus now rules the world. All the old political institutions were reestablished and the "dignity" of the Senate was restored, but actual power was now in the hands of one man alone.

MARK ANTONY reconciles Ahenobarbus 40BC Silver Roman Republic Coin Galley

Mark Antony
Silver Denarius 18mm (3.35 grams) Summer 40 B.C.
Uncertain mint, possibly Corcyra
Reference: RSC 10; B. 56; as B.M.C.,East,111(aureus); B.A. Seaby Ltd,1952; Craw. 521/2
ANT . IMP . III . VIR R . P . C ., his bare head right, lituus behind.
CN . DOMIT . AHENOBARBVS IMP., prow, star of sixteen rays above.

This piece relates to the reconciliation of Ahenobarbus with Antony.

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Roman Republic Anonymous 115BC Rome SHE-WOLF Twins Ancient...

Roman Republic Anonymous 115BC Rome SHE-WOLF Twins Ancient Silver Coin i51174: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Roman-Republic-Anonymous-115BC-Rome-SHE-WOLF-Twins-Ancient-Silver-Coin-i51174-/231637865330?hash=item35eeb15372

SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS Rare Silver Ancient Roman Coin Victory over...

SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS Rare Silver Ancient Roman Coin Victory over Parthians i50031: http://www.ebay.com/itm/SEPTIMIUS-SEVERUS-Rare-Silver-Ancient-Roman-Coin-Victory-over-Parthians-i50031-/231544709956?hash=item35e923e344

TRAJAN 101AD Silver Authentic Ancient Rare Roman Coin Victory...

TRAJAN 101AD Silver Authentic Ancient Rare Roman Coin Victory i51180: http://www.ebay.com/itm/TRAJAN-101AD-Silver-Authentic-Ancient-Rare-Roman-Coin-Victory-i51180-/321819500242?hash=item4aedefded2

বৃহস্পতিবার, ৩০ জুলাই, ২০১৫

KALLATIS in THRACE 3-2CenBC Apollo Tripod COUNTERMARK Ancient Greek Coin i51090

End Date: Aug-29 16:05
Buy It Now for only: US $450.00
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KALLATIS in THRACE 3-2CenBC Apollo Tripod COUNTERMARK Ancient...

KALLATIS in THRACE 3-2CenBC Apollo Tripod COUNTERMARK Ancient Greek Coin i51090: http://www.ebay.com/itm/KALLATIS-in-THRACE-3-2CenBC-Apollo-Tripod-COUNTERMARK-Ancient-Greek-Coin-i51090-/351468395578?hash=item51d5261c3a


KALLATIS in THRACE 3-2CenBC Apollo Tripod COUNTERMARK: http://www.ebay.com/itm/KALLATIS-in-THRACE-3-2CenBC-Apollo-Tripod-COUNTERMARK-/351468395578?hash=item51d5261c3a

Mercury Winged Liberty Head S 1942 Dime United States Silver...

Mercury Winged Liberty Head S 1942 Dime United States Silver Coin Fasces i48125: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Mercury-Winged-Liberty-Head-S-1942-Dime-United-States-Silver-Coin-Fasces-i48125-/231494799621?hash=item35e62a5105

Mercury Winged Liberty Head S 1945 Dime United States Silver...

Mercury Winged Liberty Head S 1945 Dime United States Silver Coin Fasces i48120: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Mercury-Winged-Liberty-Head-S-1945-Dime-United-States-Silver-Coin-Fasces-i48120-/231494776693?hash=item35e629f775

Tacitus 276AD Ancient Roman Coin Victory presenting wreath to...

Tacitus 276AD Ancient Roman Coin Victory presenting wreath to Tacitus i51096: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Tacitus-276AD-Ancient-Roman-Coin-Victory-presenting-wreath-to-Tacitus-i51096-/351467121910?hash=item51d512acf6

NERO 64AD Silver Authentic Ancient Roman Coin Jupiter i50634: ...

NERO 64AD Silver Authentic Ancient Roman Coin Jupiter i50634: http://www.ebay.com/itm/NERO-64AD-Silver-Authentic-Ancient-Roman-Coin-Jupiter-i50634-/351467770755?hash=item51d51c9383

বুধবার, ২৯ জুলাই, ২০১৫

SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS 193AD Marcianopolis Cybele Mother Goddes Roman...

SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS 193AD Marcianopolis Cybele Mother Goddes Roman Coin i38170: http://www.ebay.com/itm/SEPTIMIUS-SEVERUS-193AD-Marcianopolis-Cybele-Mother-Goddes-Roman-Coin-i38170-/351467326986?hash=item51d515ce0a

Hadrian 128AD Silver Ancient Roman Coin Roma w parazonium Long dagger i51115


List of Ancient Greek and Roman Gods, Goddesses, Deities and Mythical Characters to Collect on Coins

List of Ancient Greek and Roman  Gods, Goddesses, Deities and Mythical Characters to Collect on Coins Greek and Roman Gods and Goddesses on Ancient Coins

Best List of Ancient Greek and Roman
Gods, Goddesses, Deities and Mythical Characters to Collect on Coins

A world of mystery, intrigue and fantasy awaits. See the various gods, goddesses, and mythical deities and characters available to collect on ancient Greek and Roman coins. Transport yourself to the ancient past, explore the unexplored and collect authentic ancient coins of those various deities. This article was intended to expand on various ideas for a coin collector and a fantastic coin collection. Enjoy! By clicking on the links below, you will search my store for specific examples of these these gods that I have available on coins. The goal is for you to have an easy-to-use guide, which allows you to view the different types of coins easily and quickly. Below is a link to download this article in PDF format to your computer, which will allow you to come back to this info in the future, or if you print it out, you can always find this article again online via the link: http://bit.ly/godsonancientcoins #1 Zeus on Ancient Greek Coins Jupiter, his Roman Equivalent Ancient Coins
#2 Hercules on Ancient Greek and Roman Coins
#3 Ares on Ancient Greek Coins | Mars, his Roman Equivalent Ancient Coins | Virtus, the god of valor, often depicted like Mars or Ares on ancient Roman Coins
#4 Nymph the Ancient Greek Deity depicted on Greek and Roman coins
#5 Felicitas the Ancient Roman goddess of luck | Fortuna the Ancient Roman goddess of luck | Tyche the Ancient Greek goddess of luck - Luck goddesses.
#6 Hera on Ancient Greek Coins | Juno the Ancient Roman Goddess on Coins
#7 Nike, the ancient Greek goddess of victory ancient coins | Victory the Ancient Roman Goddess of Victory - Both I believe to be the ancient depictions of what later was known to be angels.
#8 Apollo on Ancient Greek and Roman Coins, the god of music, healing and light (sun)
#9 Helios, the sun god, on Ancient Greek Coins | Sol, the sun god, on Ancient Roman Coins
#10 Artemis, the goddess of the hunt on Ancient Greek Coins | Diana, the goddess of the hung on Ancient Roman Coins
#11 Aphrodite, the goddess of love on Ancient Greek Coins | Venus, the goddess of love on Ancient Roman Coins
#12 Spes, the goddess of hope on ancient Roman coins
#13 Laetitia, the goddess of happiness on ancient Roman coins
#14 Isis, the originally ancient Egyptian goddess on ancient Roman and Greek coins
#15 Athena the ancient Greek goddess of wisdom on coins | Minerva the ancient Roman goddess of wisdom on coins
#16 Concordia, goddess of agreement in marriage and society on ancient Roman Coins
#17 Aequitas on ancient Roman Coins - Aequitas is the nominative form of the Latin æquitatem, meaning justice, equality, conformity, symmetry, or fairness, and is the source of the modern word "equity".
#18 Justitia, the Roman goddess of Justice on ancient Roman Coins
#19 Eros, the primordial god of sexual love and beauty on Ancient Greek Coins | Cupid, the primordial god of sexual love and beauty on Ancient Roman Coins
#20 Libertas, the god of liberty on ancient Roman coins
#21 Pietas, the god of piety on ancient Roman coins
#22 Vesta on ancient Roman coins - Vesta was the virgin goddess of the hearth, home, and family in Roman religion.
#23 Genius on ancient Roman coins - In ancient Roman religion, the genius was the individual instance of a general divine nature that is present in every individual person, place, or thing.
#24 Demeter on ancient Greek coins | Ceres on ancient Roman coins | Annona on ancient Roman coins - Goddesses that are depicted in connection with the harvest.
#25 Asclepius the Ancient Greek and Roman god of medicine
#26 Hygeia on Ancient Greek and Roman coins - Hygieia, or Hygeia, was a daughter of the god of medicine, Asclepius. She was the goddess of health, cleanliness and sanitation and afterwards, the moon.
#27 Salus on Ancient Roman coins - Salus (Health) a Goddess of the Romans, the same that was worshipped under the name of Hygiea by the Greeks, who feigned her to be the daughter of Asclepius and of Minerva.
#28 Telesphorus on Ancient Greek and Roman coins - In Greek mythology, Telesphorus (or Telesphoros; Τελεσφόρος) was a son of Asclepius. He frequently accompanied his sister, Hygieia. He was a dwarf whose head was always covered with a hood or cap. He symbolized recovery from illness, as his name means "the accomplisher" or "bringer of completion" in Greek.
#29 Persephone on Ancient Greek and Roman coins | Kore on Ancient Greek and Roman coins - In Greek mythology, Persephone also called Kore (the maiden)is the daughter of Zeus and the harvest-goddess Demeter, and queen of the underworld.
#30 Priapus on Ancient Greek and Roman coins - In Greek mythology, Priapos (Ancient Greek: Πρίαπος), Latinized as Priapus, was a minor rustic fertility god, protector of livestock, fruit plants, gardens and male genitalia. His Roman equivalent was Mutunus Tutunus. He was best noted for his huge, permanent erection, which gave rise to the medical term priapism.
#31 Poseidon on Ancient Greek and Roman coins | Neptune on Ancient Roman coins - Poseidon was the god of the sea, and, as "Earth-Shaker," of earthquakes in Greek mythology. Neptune (Latin: Neptūnus) was the god of water and the sea in Roman mythology and religion.
#32 Pax, the goddess of peace on Ancient Roman coins
#33 Janus the Ancient Roman God of Beginnings and Endings, doors and name behind our month January
#34 Abundantia, the ancient Roman goddess - Abundantia was the Roman goddess of good fortune, abundance and prosperity.
#35 Hermes, Greek god of commerce | Mercury, the Roman equivalent of the Greek god Hermes

Ancient Zodiac CoinsDownload this article by right-clicking here and selecting save as

Article by Ilya Zlobin, world-renowned expert numismatist, enthusiast, author and dealer in authentic ancient Greek, ancient Roman, ancient Byzantine coins and beyond.

MARCIAN 450AD Ancient Genuine Rare Roman Coin Monogram within wreath i51110


JESUS CHRIST Class A2 Anonymous Ancient 1025AD Byzantine Follis Coin i51103


JESUS CHRIST Class A1 Anonymous Ancient 969AD Byzantine Follis Coin i51102


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Canada 1965 Antique Silver Purity .8 10 Cents Coin with...

Canada 1965 Antique Silver Purity .8 10 Cents Coin with Elizabeth II SHIP i32342: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Canada-1965-Antique-Silver-Purity-8-10-Cents-Coin-with-Elizabeth-II-SHIP-i32342-/321150978112?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4ac6170840

MARK ANTONY & CLEOPATRA Legion Ship Augustus Ancient Silver...

MARK ANTONY & CLEOPATRA Legion Ship Augustus Ancient Silver Roman Coin i39137: http://www.ebay.com/itm/MARK-ANTONY-CLEOPATRA-Legion-Ship-Augustus-Ancient-Silver-Roman-Coin-i39137-/321372422892?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4ad34a02ec

1910 LIBERTY HEAD NICKEL 5 Cent United States of America USA...

1910 LIBERTY HEAD NICKEL 5 Cent United States of America USA Antique Coin i43562: http://www.ebay.com/itm/1910-LIBERTY-HEAD-NICKEL-5-Cent-United-States-of-America-USA-Antique-Coin-i43562-/321547083622?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4addb31f66

WIDOW’s MITE Ancient Biblical Jerusalem John Hyrcanus I...

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1724 Holland Netherlands 2 Stuiver Antique Silver Coin Coat of Arms i49127

End Date: Aug-14 21:09
Buy It Now for only: US $121.50
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250-450AD Group Lot of 10 Authentic Ancient ROMAN Coins...

250-450AD Group Lot of 10 Authentic Ancient ROMAN Coins Collection KIT i51297: http://www.ebay.com/itm/250-450AD-Group-Lot-of-10-Authentic-Ancient-ROMAN-Coins-Collection-KIT-i51297-/231632874975?hash=item35ee652ddf

মঙ্গলবার, ২৮ জুলাই, ২০১৫

ATHENS GREECE 449BC Rare DRACHM Ancient SIlver Greek Coin Athena...

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GALLIENUS Rare Silver Legionary Antoninianus Roman Coin VICTOR GERMANICA i36797

End Date: Aug-27 13:35
Buy It Now for only: US $950.00
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GALLIENUS Rare Silver Legionary Antoninianus Roman Coin VICTOR GERMANICA i36797


Hadrian Bisexual Emperor 125AD Silver Ancient Roman Coin Liberty Cult i51177


Hadrian Bisexual Emperor 125AD Silver Ancient Roman Coin Liberty Cult i51177

End Date: Aug-27 10:44
Buy It Now for only: US $925.00
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Kavaros King of Thrace Silver Greek Tetradrachm Coin Alexander...

Kavaros King of Thrace Silver Greek Tetradrachm Coin Alexander the Great i51314: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Kavaros-King-of-Thrace-Silver-Greek-Tetradrachm-Coin-Alexander-the-Great-i51314-/231634721803?hash=item35ee815c0b

Roman Republic Dossenus PUBLIC Games 87BC Ancient Silver Coin...

Roman Republic Dossenus PUBLIC Games 87BC Ancient Silver Coin ZEUS Horse i16009: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Roman-Republic-Dossenus-PUBLIC-Games-87BC-Ancient-Silver-Coin-ZEUS-Horse-i16009-/230898307341?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item35c29c910d

DOMITIAN son of Vespasian 92AD Silver Ancient Roman Coin Athena Minerva i51175

End Date: Aug-27 09:23
Buy It Now for only: US $925.00
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TRAJAN Silver Ancient Very Rare Roman Coin Victory facing w open wreath i51176

End Date: Aug-27 09:30
Buy It Now for only: US $850.00
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TRAJAN Silver Ancient Very Rare Roman Coin Victory facing w open wreath i51176


ANTONINUS PIUS & MARCUS AURELIUS as CAESAR Ancient Silver Roman Coin Rare i51173

End Date: Aug-27 08:34
Buy It Now for only: US $825.00
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ANTONINUS PIUS & MARCUS AURELIUS as CAESAR Ancient Silver Roman Coin Rare i51173: http://www.ebay.com/itm/ANTONINUS-PIUS-MARCUS-AURELIUS-as-CAESAR-Ancient-Silver-Roman-Coin-Rare-i51173-/321818026561?hash=item4aedd96241

DOMITIAN son of Vespasian Silver Ancient Roman Coin Athena Minerva Cult i51171

End Date: Aug-27 07:54
Buy It Now for only: US $750.00
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GORDIAN III 243AD Sestertius Big Ancient Rare Roman Coin Security Cult i51166

End Date: Aug-27 06:41
Buy It Now for only: US $750.00
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Severus Alexander Big Sestertius Rare Ancient Roman Coin Fides Trust Cult i51165

End Date: Aug-27 06:20
Buy It Now for only: US $825.00
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Hephthalites or White Huns Napki Malka Silver Drachm Ancient...

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SEVERUS ALEXANDER 222AD Marcianopolis HOMONOIA Genuine Ancient...

SEVERUS ALEXANDER 222AD Marcianopolis HOMONOIA Genuine Ancient Roman Coin i50984: http://www.ebay.com/itm/SEVERUS-ALEXANDER-222AD-Marcianopolis-HOMONOIA-Genuine-Ancient-Roman-Coin-i50984-/351465959880?hash=item51d500f1c8

CONSTANTIUS II son of Constantine the Great w labarum Ancient Roman Coin i51167

End Date: Aug-27 06:48
Buy It Now for only: US $750.00
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Severus Alexander Big Sestertius Ancient Roman Coin Sol Sun God Whip i51164

End Date: Aug-27 05:34
Buy It Now for only: US $750.00
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DIOCLETIAN 294AD Siscia Big Ancient Roman Coin Genius Protection...

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